Well, this year was a different story! Tyler's first birthday celebration, LEGO LAND!!!
His favorite part was where you could build cars with legos and test race them down several different ramps... I think Daddy enjoyed this one as much as Tyler!
On the way home, we let Tyler choose where he wanted to eat.... I was really enjoying the days of McDonalds being his most favorite restaurant, but I have a feeling those days are fading fast.... his choice this year? The Ninja! Expensive as it may be, we love it, and Tyler really enjoyed the special treatment :).
And for his "real" birthday, cupcakes with his daycare friends at the Laurel Park Sprayground!
He doesn't look very happy in this picture, but he did have fun. The cupcakes are supposed to look like legos, but my icing was too runny and the M&M's slid around...
And for his family and friends.... a POOL PARTY!!!
Now I feel the need to explain this cake. Tyler has been totally loving legos lately, so I got some lego candles for his birthday cake, thinking he'd love them! Well... little did I know, Tyler is also starting to love Beyblades (which I'd never seen until he picked some out for his birthday), and decided that he wanted a Beyblade cake! So, I did my best with the Beyblade brownie cake.... (yeah, I used the same runny icing from the lego cupcakes to decorate)