Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love it when things just fall into place!

We had a wonderful night tonight.  I picked up some steak on the way home from work, and cooked and ate as soon as I got home.  It was good, and Junior cleaned up the kitchen. YEAYAH!! After dinner, I was so excited about the idea for bath time I got from, I couldn't wait until normal bath time.  I ran the bathtub FULL of water and threw in  a bunch of glowsticks!! The whole tub was glowing. It was AWESOME! Olivia had already asked me if they could "swim in the bathtub" which means they get to take a bath together with bathing suits on, and each child jumps into the shower when he/she is done playing, so I thought that would be great for the glow-tub adventure! The picture didn't turn out great, but you can sort of tell that there are glowsticks in the dark. When Olivia got out, I painted her fingernails and toenails, and put her new flower stickers on them. Tyler was almost done when we finished with that.

With having baths so early, there was a lot of time to play and have fun (and dessert) after they got out of the tub.  Junior built a fire after we ate dinner, and the kids wanted dessert when they got out of the tub, so we decided that Ice Cream, Fireside would be an appropriate dessert :).

Tomorrow is Olivia's turn to bring snacks for her class.  I asked her what she wanted to take, and she said Rice Crispies Treats (wierd... she doesn't usually eat them, but maybe one of her friends brought them one day and she wanted to too.) I was going to just run to Ingles and get some pre-packaged ones, but Olivia wanted to make them.  We didn't have enough stuff to make the treats for the whole class, but we did have enough to play :).  Here's the girl licking the spatula... there were rice crispies stuck everywhere! LOL (you can see the ones in her hair, here, but you can's see the ones stuck to her belly and legs).  You've probably noticed that she's not wearing a shirt.... that's because she and Tyler both sleep in their underwear, like Daddy.

And for Tyler's entertainment, while Olivia was making her treats, he used a sharpie to decorate the tiny white "pumpkins" he picked out at Jaemor the other day.

After all this, we did a little reading, and playing, and the kids headed off to bed :).

I went to Ingles to buy the rice crispies treats, and ended up spending 50 dollars! Ugh! But I saved almost 30, and I don't think that's too bad for an unplanned trip, with no list.  I got breakfast AND lunch for me for the next week or two (depending on leftovers), I got 2 packs of chicken that will be enough for dinner for the family, and leftovers, I got ingredients for pumpkin muffins, and chips and bread for the kids' lunches, plus 3 blocks of cheese, some crackers and dip, and 4 tubes of toothpaste. Oh, and halloween candy!!! I don't think that's too shabby for fifty bucks!

I feel so very blessed to be able to do all these things. I'm looking forward to what tomorrow has in store. (If nothing else, I know I'll have plenty of food and candy :))

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