Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dentist and Orthodontist

As usual, the kids were looking forward to their regular dental check up, and why wouldn't they? They get to see the fabulous and fantastic Mrs. Terri. She is truely the best!  She is so patient with them, and so sweet to answer all their crazy questions, and put up with their 15 different choices of colors of tooth brushes. And in true form, here's my wild boy exploring! And Terri answered all his questions about the model teeth and gum, of course!
And of course you've got to have the fluoride!

NO CAVITIES! Both kids are brushingn well, and teeth are right on schedule :)

Dr. Toms has mentioned this before, but this time I changed our insurance to cover Orthodontics, so we were prepared when he referred us to Dr. Sosebee to see about getting braces for Olivia.  She seems like she's been excited about it, she's asked multiple times when she was getting braces, and was okay with me telling her we had to wait til January so I could change our insurance, but wouldn't you know who remembered that our insurance changed in January! So after Dr. Toms's recommendation (yet again), we went in for our initial visit.

Nervous or excited?!?!

Such a good helper!!!

All the teeth are there, and growing at a normal rate....

And the survey says: NO BRACES (for now)!!!! Whoo Hoo!! She will get an aparatus on her bottom teeth to hold space there as she loses her baby teeth, but she won't need braces for a few more years. We knew she would have to have braces, but were surprised when Dr. Toms mentioned "early intervention." We thought we would have a few more years (hence the having to wait for open enrollment to change our insurance). I'm very glad we don't have to get the braces now, and to be hones, sort of glad they will be at least doing something for her since she has been so excited about it. haha. Poor girl doesn't know what she's in for!

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