Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Olivia has a Lobster in her neck"

When I picked the kids up from school, Olivia came up to me and told me that she had a crab in her neck.  I rubbed it for her, and ask her if she meant that she had a crick in her neck.  We agreed that a crick was actually what she had in her neck. I asked her if she wanted to go straight home, or if she would be able to tough it out at Francess Meadows (I'm trying to squeeze in a few more afternoon trips before our summer membership runs out in September). She decided to risk the pain to go swimming and sliding. :)

So, after a wonderful time, a safe drive home, dinner, and a shower, I was helping Tyler with his homework (YES my little baby boy has HOMEWORK!!). I don't know what prompted this announcement, but Tyler looked up from his homework, looked me square in the eye, and told me that Olivia has a lobster in her neck, she let him look at it, he tried to see it, but he didn't see it, and he didn't think he had one because his neck didn't hurt, but if he gets one he wants me to kiss it for him. There may have been a few other things thrown in there, but those are the best parts. I sure am glad Olivia let me know what was going on earlier, otherwise I would have been clueless as to what a Lobster in your neck is!! I'm glad I know now :).

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