Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Packing Lunch

These crazy babies of mine decided, after dinner, that they wanted to make and pack their own lunches.

Here's Tyler working on his peanutbutter sandwich.
In his lunchbox, you will currently find a peanut butter sandwich made with the end pieces that I had to dig out, a bottle of water, and a Kool Aid singles pack, a gogurt, a granola bar, and a piece of bologna in a ziploc bag.

Olivia wanted Salad for lunch, with ranch, cheese, and cherry tomatoes that we're growing in our back yard.  I let her make the salad, and I have a feeling it will be nothing but ranch soup by the time she eats it, but she'll have plenty of other things to eat as well.  In her lunchbox, you'll find a salad with about 5 tomatoes on it, a bologna sandwich with mayo, a gogurt, a granola bar, a little debbie brownie, and a bottle of water.

I hope they enjoy eating their lunches as much as they enjoyed making them :)  They also helped me write their notes to put in them and chose which ones they wanted when I was writing them :).  LOVE IT!!!

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