Sunday, we got to have another day of riding at Mr. Kent and Mrs. Janice's house. Mrs. Janice made us a wonderful lunch, after which we headed outside for some four wheeling action. Surprisingly, Olivia was getting wild with it! Last time we had her riding, I had to coax her down the road, but this time, she was a woman on a mission! She was riding all over the place. At one point, I guess she looked away for a minute, and ran into the end of Mr. Kent's barn. The little four wheeler doesn't have reverse, so someone has to pull it back. We were probably a good 60 or 70 yards away, and were watching, waiting for her to start hollering for help, but she didn't. She hopped off, snatched that thing backwards, cranked it back up and was back on her way. It didn't slow her down one bit. Junior's truck was parked between where she was and where we were, so she didn't notice us watching her. She didn't even tell us what happened. I was so proud of her for taking care of business on her own. I didn't get a picture of her man-handling the four wheeler, but here's our big man. His 4-wheeling mishap was slightly more serious than running into the barn. This little guy flipped it but both he and the 4-wheeler landed right side up, and other than a pretty serious bruise, he was just fine :). Of course Junior made him get back on it right away! He did, reluctantly, but the sting of the flip only lasted a few minutes.
Since Santa brought 1 four wheeler to share until he knew that both kids would enjoy riding, the kids had to take turns riding with Daddy. I think this girl is about big enough to start riding behind the driver. She was killing me when I was trying to give her a ride.
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