Saturday, July 30, 2011

Morning with my Mister :)

I don't know who was the lucky one in this situation, but Tyler and I were lucky enough to be able to spend the morning with each other.  We had cereal for breakfast, spent a little time painting a wooden airplain that he got a kit for for Christmas.

Then we played with Tyler's ever-growing collection of trucks and cars that live in the Garage.  Tyler loves to play with his toys in the mud, but once they've been in the mud, they become "outside toys", and are no longer "inside toys."
We also put together a puzzle while we were out there, then Tyler's monster truck had a race with my (parked) car.  The Monster Truck won :).

Then the Winshield Man ( came to replace Daddy's windshield, which had a crack that was spreading.  After he got there, Tyler was a captivated audience!! I kept trying to get him to come inside with me to leave the man to his work, but he wasn't budging! (and even though the man was extremely nice, I couldn't leave my child outside with a complete stranger.) Tyler, of course, was asking a million questions.  I tried to answer some, but after Mr. Ben sensed my ignorance of glass replacement, he took over fielding the questions, and even let Tyler "help." He was great! During this whole process, Tyler relocated from his chair to my lap (which was closer), to the cooler, which was right in front of the truck. He was watching his every move! Then he turns to me, and says, "Well, I would help him if I knew what he needed." It was too cute!!

(and just a little disclaimer on Tyler's clothes: for some reason, he loves those sweatpants (size 3) that fit him fine in the waist, but are about 7 inches too short, and I only let him wear them around the house, and since we weren't going anywhere, he picked them out to wear.  he is also wearing the shirt that is too small that says "if you think I'm cute, you should see my aunt" that lindsey gave him 2 years ago!)

1 comment:

  1. I love that he loves that shirt!!!!! PS aparently ATT hates my house and I no longer have service here.
