Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Afternoons after school are so much better when there are cousins involved :)

Anthony and Julianna came over for a couple of hours this evening so their mom could go to a meeting. The kids finished up their homework before they came so they'd be able to give the playing their full attention. The Roberts kids got here just as I was starting dinner, so they passed the time with a little trampoline fun while they waited. (Julianna was not a fan, she helped me check on dinner while the bigger kids jumped.)

The kitchen table was just the right size for a family dinner.

There was a little more playing than eating going on, so I bribed them with the waterslide... Whoever ate all their food got to play on the slide.  I sure wish I was in their shoes, watersliding as a reward for eating chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes... I should have fed them brussels sprouts or something for that! But none the less, everyone ate, and got ready to play :).

After the slide, we went in and all the kids got baths and showers. Olivia and Tyler go to bed at 8, and even though I knew they wouldn't go to sleep, I put Anthony in the bed with Tyler, and Julianna in the bed with Olivia.  With Anthony in Kindergarten this year, I knew it was about time for him to be winding down for bed too. Olivia and Tyler were zonked out within 10 minutes of them leaving.  I'd say, an overall successful afternoon :). I hope the Roberts kids got to sleep as well too :).

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