Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Grandma by any other name....

is still as sweet :)

...and luckily for Olivia and Tyler, they got Mrs. Janice for a step-grandma :).  We had to call her in on grandma duty today.  I had to go to my school's basketball games this evening, and Junior had to work late... leaving the kids to be picked up by Mrs. Janice! She fed them dinner, helped with homework, and kept them entertained until I got there.  When I came in, Tyler was sitting in her lap, hugging on her and coloring, and Olivia was doing some kind of worksheet, and all 3 of them were loving every minute :).  I feel so blessed to have such a loving mother, and entire family that accepted my stepchildren as part of our family.

Boy they really hit the jackpot marrying me... I mean as if I'm not awesome enough, my whole family is such a special and wonderful group of people. (I'm just thinking about family Christmas this year and how much everyone hugged and loved on them when we came in and were so generous with gifts. I hope they all know how much it means to me. I think it overwhelms Junior a little bit sometimes.) And lets not even get started on Aunt Lindsey.  She really loves those kids a lot.  She even volunteered to leave work early if Mom couldn't get the kids today.  Mr. Kent is actually a pretty good grandpa too :).  He seems to have a TINY bit more patience with them than he did with

I tell you what, I don't know what people do when they don't have a family to take care of them, whether they have children or not.

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