Monday, January 3, 2011

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

Its back to work I go....

Of course with over 2 weeks to grade all the papers I brought home with me, I waited until Sunday night before I had to go to work Monday to grade them.  I had some help from my awesome Sister Lindsey, and of course from my 2 sidekicks.... one of which was actually very helpful.  The other counted papers :).

As I sat on my bed with papers all around me, kids tucked safely into bed, and husband playing a computer game and watching TV on the couch, I had a few minutes to think about each child as I recorded his or her grade. WOW! I have some SUPER GREAT KIDS, and some that I just want to throw off the trailer steps (because my classroom is a trailer) And then I thought.... Here we are in our little movie setting, kids tucked away in their toy-filled, cutely painted and decorated, warm rooms, with warm, clean pajamas and sheets, bellys full, bodies bathed, cough medicine administered, and teeth brushed. Parents not yelling, or screaming (or shot out on drugs). Everyone adequately hugged and kissed before bedtime. Knowing that some of my students don't have that feeling on a regular basis.  I can't imagine what a different life would be like, but I sure did take some time to pray for my students; the ones who make good choices, and the ones who don't.

In case you were wondering, I did finish the grades and got them entered into the computer with exactly 1 minute to spare. Olivia and Tyler came to school with me today and wereVERY good and sweet. This is the stuff dreams are made of... I'm telling you! I get a whole new group of students tomorrow. Here's hoping they make better choices that quite a few in the last group!

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