Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So Icy

So, the kids are FINALLY home, after 3 LONG days with their mother, and what did they want to do??? Sled down the front yard, of course.  So after a "daddy please" from both Olivia and myself, he let her slide down the hill "just once." I knew she's go faster since the snow was iced over on top, and I even stood at the bottom of the hill to catch her.  Too bad I didn't account for the fact that I wouldn't be able to snag her... so she slid down the hill, right past me, over the neighbor's driveway (which is where they usually stop), through the neighbor's yard, (at this point, Junior and I start HAULING TAIL to get to her because she is headed STRAIGHT for the work van 3 houses down), slides into the next neighbor's yard, (probably up to 30 mph by this point) and just as she's about to crash into the van, THE LORD ABOVE steered her sled to the right, where the ground was level, and she plowed into a big pile of snow, hard snow, but snow.


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