Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Muffin Mix Up

Tomorrow is Tyler's class's Thanksgiving skit.  We volunteered to bring in Muffins. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it was tomorow until almost 7 tonight, and of course I'd told the kids they could help make muffins.  Usually, that entails pouring the half cup of milk into the muffin mix, stirring, and scooping into muffin cups, but tonight, our routine went a little differently. I didn't have any muffin mix!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I cook more than most people I know.  I enjoy it, especially with the kids. I am NOT, however, a "from scratch" cook! I use mixes, cans, gadgets, and especially the microwave! SOOOOOOOOOOO.... when I realized that I did not have muffin mix, I got online to find a recipe, USING THE BOX OF CAKE MIX I FOUND IN THE PANTRY. HA! I found a recipe for Banana Muffins, using yellow cake mix, and modified it slightly since I'm out of butter, and only had 1egg left. YEAH! PERFECT night to need to make muffins for school the next morning!!!

So we improvise... The result? Strawberry-Banana muffins with mini Chocolate Chips!!!!!!!!! It was a great recipe for us too because as Olivia smashed the bananas and stirred the mix, Tyler chopped the strawberries with a butter knife.
Olivia and I also sampled the chocolate chips while we waited for Tyler to finish the strawberries.  When Tyler asked for some, his hands had strawberries all over them, so I poured a few in his mouth. Guess who else had to have them poured in her mouth (besides me)?

Here's the batter just before we folded in the strawberries and chips:
And our final product. 30 muffins, packed tight in a tupperware bowl, and ready for some kindergarteners.

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