Thursday, June 16, 2011

Plan B!

We went to meet my friend Nikki and her boys at Laurel Park to go the Sprayground the other day, and much to our dismay, we pulled up to see NO spraying water, and a sign that said "Closed for repairs." WHAT A DOWNER!!!! Fortunately, we had several other options.  We started with a picnic, then played on the playground, then fed the fish, then went swimming with the fish, followed by a little bike riding, and some swimming at the closed boat ramp with several other kids who were just as disappointed that the sprayground was closed. It was definitely not the day we had planned, but the kids still had a good time, and it was really great to get to catch up with Nikki, some.  We'll have to have a few more play dates before we get totally caught up ;).  So pencil us in!!

This is quite a different looking lake than where we usually go at Old Federal Park. The mud was kind of grossing me out, but the kids didn't seem to mind!

The kids rode their bikes down to the closed down boat ramp where they were swimming. Tyler went to ride his bike around the culdesac, and a few minutes later, I  hear this HUGE crash, I look up and he's just riding along, so I turn my eyes back to the water, then I hear it again.  It was like a metal crashing sound.  So once again, I looked up to check on my bicycle-riding-baby, and he had the biggest smile on his face.  It was at that point that I realized that the horrible crash was Tyler, riding his bike across that metal plate over the drain at full speed. He loved it, I can't even tell you how many times he went back and forth :).

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