Friday, June 10, 2011

VBS 2011

This year's VBS has been a great one for the kids and me.  We had it during the day, so I was able to bring the kids every day, and they really seemed to enjoy it and get a lot out of it. I did the recreation rotation with the help of my friend, Le. The mornings flew by! And I, for one, had a total blast!!!

The games we played were centered around the week's theme "Big Apple Adventure" in New York City. But the last day was "water day." I brought the kids' inflatable pool and set it up at the church.  We had boat races, and splash fights, and we played a relay game.  It was a lot of fun.

Here's my big man helping set up.  Their classes hadn't started yet since we got there early to set up, so they were hanging out with me.

And here's Olivia's class enjoying Tyler's hard work :).

We came back at 5:30 for "Family Night" and brought Daddy with us.  The kids performed the songs they've been singing all week, and were very cute :)

All of Tyler's class had gathered on the right side of the stage, near the teacher, so they could copy her motions, but not my Tyler.  He went up the steps on the opposite side of the stage from everyone else, and stopped right in the middle! The boy does love the spotlight :)

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