Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Clean up Clean up Everybody Everywhere...

Its no secret that I'm not the best housekeeper.  I've said MANY times that I'm SO glad my parents sent me to College because I NEVER would have made it as a maid. Olivia and Tyler are no Mr. Cleans either. And it probably doesn't help that they have too many toys and clothes to even fit in their rooms and closets, but that's beside the point. Well, enough was finally enough, so after naps Sunday afternoon, the kids and I set out on a clean up mission.

I wanted to get rid of the clothes and toys that the kids never wear or play with, and I was slightly successful with that, but not completely... I kept trying to throw away the toys that Tyler is too big to play with, but he was not too keen on the idea.  I even told him that we'd take them to the church nursery so he could still play with them sometimes, or that we could donate them for little boys that didn't have any toys, but he didn't go for those ideas either.  The boy kept INSISTING that we SAVE the toys for OUR BABY!! "What baby? baby?" "The baby Jesus is going to put in your belly." "Oh, THAT baby." Um, okay??? So they're all in a box... going into the attic, I guess.

Here are our "Clean" rooms.... notice that there is TOO MUCH STUFF for the rooms to ever actually be CLEAN.

There's a case full of cars, a dresser with a tv on it, another big basket of toys, a huge fire truck and tractor trailer that wouldn't fit in the box, and a basket full of shoes that are not in the pictuer of Tyler's room.  HAHA i just now realized that I STILL haven't gotten another blue curtain to match Tyler's stuff... haha... See, NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE IT as a housekeeper!! And that strange random blob on Olivia's wall is a flower... there are several more on the wall, they just didn't make the picture :)

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