Monday, February 14, 2011

You might have children if...

Your toothpaste disappears...

Wednesday, Junior and I could not find our toothpaste.  Now, losing something, is not unusual in our household, but we usually find whatever it is in a nearby location where it would make sense being there. Well, I looked all over for the toothpaste, in all the drawers and cabinets, even in the trash can.  I finally chalked the toothpaste tube up to one of those unexplainable losses, and bought a new tube of toothpaste.

Sometimes, we have too much laundry to wash everything in one load, so on weekends, I make sure to do an extra load to get everything washed that may have been in the bottom of the laundry bag that week.  The only strange thing I have found in the bottom of my laundry, thus far, as been the mouse that invaded my house, and got stuck there.  On that occasion, was happy to find him there, and was able to relocate him to a place more appropriate for a mouse... Heaven. But every once in a while when there's a sock, or a wadded up wash cloth, or something small in the bottom corner of the bag, I get that heeby geeby feeling. Well, I got that feeling Sunday night, when I felt something cold and hard hit my leg as I was getting to the bottom of the laundry bag.....

Anyone want to guess what it was????

You guessed it! I found the toothpaste in the bottom of the laundry bag.

4 years ago, this would have worried me, but with kids in the house.... its just another one of those things :).  Gotta Love 'Em!!

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