Thursday, February 10, 2011

In my dream world...

I would come home from work, and Junior has already picked up the kids.  He has made a huge, beautiful salad, and has steaks marinating on the counter.  He is washing some asparagus to have with the steaks, and the kids are playing peacefully.  We eat a lovely dinner together, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and sit down to play a family game of Dominos.  We play a few rounds of Dominos until bedtime, then the kids go get ready and brush their teeth all by themselves. After the kids are in bed safe and sound, Junior and I sit on the couch and snuggle while watching new episodes of our favorite shows.

And THAT, my friend, was my evening last night!  It makes me smile just to think about it :)

Here's a shot of my favorite people playing one of my favorite games :o)

Oh, and I almost forgot. Sometime between Dinner and Dominos, Tyler helped me make cupcakes to take to my class the next day as rewards for the Knight Shields they earn for good behavior.  I iced them and added the sprinkles after the kids were in the bed.... I don't know if Tyler would have wanted to share his sprinkles.

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