Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yaay for Early Release :)

Olivia has been asking her dad for a while if she could be a "car rider" at school (meaning she doesn't want to ride the bus to daycare and wait for us to get off work).  Well, as luck would have it, on the first early release day, my school dismissed early enough for me to pick up my girl at school. She was almost as excited to see me as I was to see her :). We picked up Tyler, came home for a quick snack, and met Stacy and Anthony at the park.  It was a fun, but short-lived endeavor.  It was a little too chilly for our blood, but we made the most of our time there :). Then we made a grocery run, for some grill gas, ribs and steak... yum yum, and Lindsey and Matt came and ate dinner with us.  What a Wonderful Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!! God sure is a good planner :)

1 comment:

  1. And it was so good I am gonna have to give early release a round of applause!!!
