Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I was just looking at my online albums that I posted on facebook, and took a little trip down memory lane :).  I just love my sweet (crazy) babies :).

I was checking out some of some pics I took at Christmas time when my cousin Stacy and I took our kids to "the lighting of the chateau" at Chateau Elan.  It was a lot of fun, and I even had the foresight to pack a snack in my (I caught on to the whole "mom" thing really fast). Well, I caught a few more things that night too. They had some of those bouncy things outside for the kids to play on until it was dark enough for them to light up the Christmas decorations, and my kids were bouncing away.  Then, all of a sudden, Tyler comes out for no apparent reason, and runs at me at full speed.  I was SO happy to see that he wanted to come give me a big hug :)..... or so I thought....

If you'll notice in the picture below, that night, I decided to accessorize wtih a scarf...

Well, Tyler noticed that as well.... so he RUNS up to me, grabs the end of my scarf, WIPES HIS NOSE, and RUNS back to the bouncy palace. Seriously, baby???

This was one of those moments where you just sort of realize that THIS IS YOUR LIFE... AND YOU LOVE IT MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!!!

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