Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tyler L.

When I was in school, there were 3 or 4 Jessica's in all of my classes.  Now, my sweet Tyler is in my same boat :).  He is one of 2 Tylers in his Pre-K class (and there's another one in the other class at his school), and whenever he writes his name, he writes Tyler L.  Its very cute, really, but I realized last night, that he thinks his name is spelled T-Y-L-E-R-L :)  Poor baby.  I had to explain to him that the L was for Lance.

He also differentiates between the lower case l and the capital L. I cut out some letters for him at school, so he could practice recognition and spell a few words. Last night, he was spelling out his name, where he insisted on using the i for the L in his name and the L for his last initial.  He sweetly explained to me, that you have to use this l in the middle, and this L at the end. Too cute :)

After I explained the last initial, he informed me that L was also for Lee, so he spelled out Lee and Lance.  Too bad we didn't have enough E's.  So what does my sweet, smart, creative little baby do??? Finds an L and starts to put the I's across for the other part of the E.  Too Sweet.  Then I helped him put the L and an F together to make an E.

And.... Taa Daaah

And, if you noticed, yes, we're spelling by candle light :)... that's the glow behind him.  I took the centerpiece off the table so we could work, and he wanted to light the candles. :) I love this baby!!!

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