Monday, March 21, 2011


One of my oldest (not because of age) and dearest friends has recently had the misfortune of losing a great deal of her home to a fire.  Everyone is safe, and the insurance seems to be taking good care of them, but they are still left with a LOT of work.  I volunteered to help them work, or to babysit while they worked, and I was LUCKY enough to get to spend the day with her SWEET SWEET precious babies :).  They are such good babies, I just want to eat them up :).  My mom lives pretty close to her house, so I asked my mom if I could borrow her house to take care of the kiddos.  I figured Miss Olivia would want to come with me, but I didn't think Tyler would.  I was wrong, though, both of my babies went with me to babysit.  And they are really good babysitters :).

Here's my wild man feeding Miss Emerson.  I think she loves him, she's almost as wild as he is.  (no babies were harmed in the capturing of this picture)

And of course you can't babysit without reading the kids a book :) (this one makes my heart melt a little)

And then there's the rocking to sleep.... Tyler didn't quite have the right touch for Mr. Chandler, but he sure did want him to go to sleep.  Maybe he should have rocked Emerson.

After the babies went to sleep, my babies got to spend some quality time with Mrs. Janice and Mr. Kent.  Emerson and Chandler weren't quite as fun when they were asleep.

Tyler offered Mr. Kent some assistance fixing his lawnmower tire. Then volunteered to sit on it to make sure the tire wouldn't go flat again.

After he took the lawnmower for a test sit, he found the front end loader that needed a test sit too :)... there are lots of good toys in Mr. Kent's barn.

My big girl helped Mrs. Janice change some batteries, but they both needed their reading glasses to make sure they put them in the right way :).

What a wonderful day of love and laughs with the biggest blessings God gives...  Sweet, healthy, growing, loving, happy children!!!

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