Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coach Lance to the Rescue

This is my locker!

Taking care of over 200 girls is no easy task! It takes a lot of patience, love, energy, passion for teaching PE, and a few basic supplies. The students are not allowed to claim a locker for the entire semester, they have to take their stuff with them after each class, I however, have claimed this locker indefinitely, for my supplies.  My locker contains plastic grocery bags, for those that rip, wet/dirty clothes/shoes, etc.  It also contains a pair of scissors, which are borrowed unusually often... I find it strange how often these girls need scissors, I had to go get an extra pair from my office and start keeping them in my locker.  I have also relocated my sewing kit to the locker room, and have used it (just since August) on a pair of pants, a purse, a book bag, and a bra.  I also have pads, which are taken very often, but that doesn't surprise me. I keep band-aids in there, and am already on my second box (again, since August). I also keep extra rubber bands and pony-tail holders. The girls don't use them in their hair much, though, they use them to tie their tee shirts up to make them tighter (Teenagers!!). I just recently brought the kids' pictures from the filing cabinet in my office to the locker. They're in magnetic picture frames. I find the students looking at them all the time.  Its sweet how they're interested in my family.  I have some really great girls!!  A student who had to sit out one day made the sign for me, and the Donate Life magnets are to promote organ donation, which I've gotten to talk to several students about :).

That's it. I just thought I'd share.

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