Friday, September 2, 2011

I wasn't sure my head would fit...

through the door!!!
Let me start by saying that I have one of the best joobs in the world. Come to think of it, I can't imagine having any other job that I would like more. As my friend Dave often says, "Can you believe we get paid to do this?" Asside from the perks that other teachers have, I get to play games all day and wear shorts and tee shirts to work!
I love it, but I will say that when I have the opportunity to dress up a little, I jump at it. For curriculum night, I decided to wear my hair curly for the first time all year because you can take a pony tail out after a long day of play, add a little water and mousse, and it will still look decent. Straight hair doesn't bounce back from a ponytail so easily.
My day started with multiple compliments on my curly hair. Then when I changed clothes, fixed my hair and makeup, and walked into curriculum night, my wonderful colleagues had so many nice things to say. I didn't even mind working til 8:30 with all that ego boosting :) It was a good day for me:)

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